Welcome to Navesink Maritime Heritage AssociationNavesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach |
UpdatesLetter from our President NMHA's president's letter for 2024 from Rik van Hemmen https://navesinkmaritime.org/Presidents-Letter-2024 New floors for Grover House We have had new floors installed at our headquarters, Grover House. This important step in the building's renovation will open these rooms for events, and as more improvements are made we will set up displays of local maritime history, and build shelving for our maritime library. The flooring was paid for through grants from the Monmouth County Historical Commission. Planning for Revolution 250 NMHA is making plans for celebrating the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. While the high point will the July 4th, 2026, there will be many other events before and after that date. We are working with other local organizations and institutions to plan our events and presentations starting in 2025. This page shows our initial ideas, which will be expanded, detailed, scheduled, and published as they are settled. https://navesinkmaritime.org/page-1859087 A message from our President In Memoriam Charles Ladoulis 1938-2024 It is with sadness that I need to announce the passing of NMHA founder and friend Charles Ladoulis. In Memoriam to Charlie Ladoulis, NMHA Founder The President’s 2023 End of Year Letter From Rik van Hemmen NMHA's Position Statement on Sustainability Efforts PLEASE RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP or become a MEMBER Please renew your Membership or Join NMHA. It is not expensive, and it helps us so much to focus on the fun. Please note that Membership choices include SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIPS as well as the traditional Annual Memberships. A Sustainer has an automatic monthly deduction from a credit card that continues until the Sustainer decides to stop, whereas the Annual Memberships are renewed manually each year. Renew or join now and you will be a member for 2024. Renewals are on the membership anniversary. Sponsors and Partners NMHA is fortunate to have a number of loyal Sponsors and Supporters listed below. Click on the logos to go to their respective websites. Martin Ottaway are a primary Sponsor of our Association. NMHA's website hosting and other projects in progress have been funded in part from the New Jersey Historic Trust through the Heritage Tourism Grant Program. Classic Boat Rides is a long-time supporter of NMHA's bird watching cruises around Sandy Hook and adventures across Raritan Bay to Staten Island, Governors Island, and Red Hook, Brooklyn.
Funding has been made possible in part by an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of the Department of State, through grant funds administered by the Monmouth County Historical Commission. | Around the River
Monmouth County Patent 350th Member Charlie Gross had recognized the 350th anniversary of the Monmouth County Patent on April 8 back in 2015. ![]() Rick Geffken is is the 2023 winner of the Jane G. Clayton Award. Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon has announced that Rick Geffken is the winner of the 2023 Jane G. Clayton Award. “Through his research, presentations, and publications on Monmouth County history, Rick Geffken has made a significant contribution to the study and understanding of our county’s history,” Hanlon said. Geffken will receive the award at the County Clerk’s 28th Annual Archives and History Day on October 28 at the Robert J. Collins Arena at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft Geffken has has authored or co-authored several books including “The Story of Shrewsbury, Revisited, 1965-2015;” “Highland Beach, 1888-1962: Gateway to the Jersey Shore,” “Lost Amusement Parks of the North Jersey Shore,” “Hidden History of Monmouth County, New Jersey,” and “Stories of Slavery in New Jersey.” In Memoriam: It is with great sadness we heard of thr passing of Charlie Gross Charlie Gross was a great friend and staunch supporter of NMHA. Charlie became involved with NMHA from the very start with the first community boatbuilding event at MBC, but he will be best remembered and appreciated for being the initiator of the NMHA NJ350 celebration.
In late 2012 Charlie contacted the board and asked if he could make a short presentation at our board meeting. We had no idea what it would be about, but readily agreed. He came to the presentation with a bunch of background information, with the Nicholls patent as the main document. He explained that NJ would be celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the founding of Monmouth County and nobody was doing anything to commemorate it in our area. The research he provided on the subject was so interesting that it fired up the board, and with Charlie’s help resulted in a wonderful and wide ranging event that included a visit by the Onrust and, even more significantly, the settlement forum at the Old First Baptist church. There is no doubt that Charlie’s suggestion and efforts resulted in a major realignment of NMHA’s focus that led to many of the projects that NMHA has engaged in since. Thanks to Charlie’s initial suggestion, our research continues and has resulted in recent important discoveries with regard to the transatlantic politics underlying the settlement of Monmouth County.
NMHA will be forever grateful for Charlie’s contributions and extends its condolences to the Gross family during these difficult days. Swimming River Park open Launch available for boaters Swimming River Park on West Front Street in Red Bank is now open to the public. This includes a boat launch facility. Find the details HERE Fair Haven Waterfront Access The borough is working to improve access to the Navesink River. Read about it HERE What’s Old is New again: the Effort to Bring Sail Freight Back to New York’s Hudson River Read about it HERE |