NMHA Mission

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving knowledge and appreciation of Monmouth County's maritime heritage through programs that teach wooden boat building and boat handling skills; through preserving the history of Monmouth County's wooden boat builders and other maritime history; and through the experiental on-the-water programs of River Rangers for middle school children and Sea Scout Ship Navesink for co-ed youth age 14-21.

We aim to preserve and convey knowledge, skills and an appreciation of our maritime heritage through:

Educational programs devoted to environmental interaction, wooden boat boat building and restoration, team building and outreach.
Youth on-water programs providing training and educational fun through the summer River Rangers program for youth age 10-15 and the all-year-round Sea Scout Ship Navesink for youth age 14-21.
Preservation and restoration of commercial and recreational watercraft and artifacts representative of this region from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Study and interpretation of the maritime history of the New Jersey Navesink River communities, emphasizing art, commerce, technology and science.
Collaboration with public and private organizations and institutions to further our purpose.
Promotion of public river access.

Copyright © Navesink Maritime Heritage Association

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach

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