Consider leaving the Association a gift in your will, retirement plan or trust.
How It Works
Name NMHA in your will, living trust, or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or financial account. There is sample bequest language below.
Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose - Grover House restoration, River Rangers, other programs.
Indicate a specific amount, or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.
Document your gift intention with the NMHA.
Using your will or trust:
The following sample bequest language expresses the concepts above. Please note this is offered only as a guideline; NMHA highly recommends you seek expert, professional advice in creating a planned gift.
“I give (dollar amount or % of estate) to the Navesink Maritime Heritage Association, a not-for-profit organization with its principal offices located at 930 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701. Tax ID # 743025973.
Optionally you can dedicate to one or more of our specific programs with wording like: “This gift shall be directed the NMHA program(s) ABC (and DEF).”
Using beneficiary designations of your retirement plan or financial accounts:
Contact your account manager and ask to update your beneficiaries. You can designate all or a percentage of your account, or make NMHA a contingent beneficiary.
Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
You can modify your bequest to address changing circumstances.
You can direct your bequest to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
Under current tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.
We're here to help! Please reach out for further assistance.
Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach