The Cut Plan

I have produced a side plank cut plan as a table showing at one foot intervals cut plan chine and sheer heights in scantling notation (feet-inches-eights). I calculated this from the scantlings provided in Shannon's garvey plans. To learn why a cut plan is needed, read this pdf: cut plan description.

To test the cut plan I drew it superimposed over the plan profile view. The plan view is black, with vertical black lines showing the scantling stations. The cut plan is red and blue; red are the sheer and chine cut lines, and  vertical blue lines show where frames will be glued to the sides.

The plan passes an eyeball test based on two observation. The cut plan at midstation should be an inch or two higher than the plan profile, due to the slope of the garvey sides. And the ends of the cut plan should droop compared to the plan profile by two or three or maybe even four inches due to the effect of wrapping the sloped sides around the frames and molds. Both these effects show up in the drawing.

The frame locations are also located to account for the curvature of the side. For example the frame nearest the bow is measured at 4 feet 2 and 1/8 inches on the cut plan. But when the side is wrapped around the frames and molds it ends up exactly 4 feet from the bow where it belongs. Calculating that was a lot of fun.

Cut Plan Table


Station                   Chine        Sheer
0.0       0-0-0       1-11-2        2-0-5
12.0      1-0-0        1-1-0        2-0-5
24.0      2-0-0        0-7-4        2-0-6
36.0      3-0-0        0-4-5        2-0-7
48.0      4-0-0        0-2-7        2-0-5
60.0      5-0-0        0-2-0        2-0-3
72.0      6-0-0        0-1-6        2-0-4
84.0      7-0-0        0-1-5        2-0-3
96.0      8-0-0        0-1-3        2-0-1
108.0     9-0-0        0-1-1        1-11-7
120.0    10-0-0        0-0-7        1-11-4
132.0    11-0-0        0-0-5        1-11-1
144.0    12-0-0        0-0-4        1-10-6
156.0    13-0-0        0-0-3        1-10-3
168.0    14-0-0        0-0-3        1-10-0
180.0    15-0-0        0-0-4        1-9-5
192.0    16-0-0        0-0-5        1-9-3
204.0    17-0-0        0-0-7        1-9-0
216.0    18-0-0        0-1-3        1-8-7
228.0    19-0-0        0-2-0        1-8-6
240.0    20-0-0        0-2-4        1-8-5
252.0    21-0-0        0-3-3        1-8-4
264.0    22-0-0        0-4-3        1-8-4
276.0    23-0-0        0-5-2        1-8-4
288.0    24-0-0        0-6-2        1-8-4
300.0    25-0-0        0-7-0        1-8-5
312.0    26-0-0        0-7-6        1-8-7
Extend to 26-4-0

Frame marks on cut plan
Frame at 4-6 54.0
        chine 4-8-1    sheer 4-8-1
Frame at 8 96.0
        chine 8-2-7    sheer 8-2-6
Frame at 11 132.0
        chine 11-3-0    sheer 11-2-7
Frame at 14 168.0
        chine 14-3-0    sheer 14-2-7
Frame at 17 204.0
        chine 17-3-0    sheer 17-2-7
Frame at 20 240.0
        chine 20-3-1    sheer 20-3-0
Frame at 24 288.0
        chine 24-3-4    sheer 24-3-3

Frame and mold scantlings NOT ADJUSTED for panel thicknesses. First and last are frames, others are molds.

            height  sheer   chine  (half breadths)
Frame at 4-6 54.0
            1-8-7   2-6-2   1-10-5   Bevel 10 degrees
Mold at 8 96.0
            1-9-3   3-0-4   2-4-6 
Mold at 11 132.0
            1-9-2   3-2-5   2-7-1 
Mold at 14 168.0
            1-8-2   3-2-5   2-7-2 
Mold at 17 204.0
            1-6-7   3-1-1   2-6-2 
Mold at 20 240.0
            1-4-7   2-10-1   2-4-2
Frame at 24 288.0
            1-1-2   2-4-2   1-11-7
   Bevel 7 degrees

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Copyright © Navesink Maritime Heritage Association

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach

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