[These goals written by Tom Gibson, July 22, 2012]
1. Environmental Sail Program (ESP) description at http://www.mcclearwater.org/esp.php
2. Sea Scouts training and sails
3. Historical value, like our current garvey, (but not neccesarily a duplicate) http://nmha.memberlodge.org/page-1221459
4. Easy to build with current skill set...
A few wooden boat experienced folks
A few more helping hands
Skills at or slightly above 6 hour canoe, or weekend skiff
5. Stable
Roomy, carry at least 8 but can be handled by as few as 2
Mobile: fits on existing 1 axle trailer
easy to launch
easy to rig
6. Sail/row, no engine
On board secure (lockable) storage for
life jackets
other gear
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