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Ling (Red hake)

The name, ling, often throws customers off track. Few realize that the fish fishermen refer to as ling is actually red hake, a common fish in the cod family that resides all along the Jersey shore. This is perhaps the reason why commercial fishing of ling has decreased in recent years. With less demand for the unknown fish in markets, fishermen have begun to catch less.

Ling can become relatively large in size, up to 20”, but when found in the Raritan Bay the fish are generally smaller, 10”. The bigger fish are easy to fillet and prepare for consumption, but when purchased at fisheries like the Belford Co-op, frying the fish whole is recommended.

Ling are mostly fished using trawls, but are also common by-catch fish from the trawls and even lobster traps. As juveniles, ling are known to seek protection around scallop beds or inside scallop shells themselves. This explains why ling are frequently caught up in the bottom trawls that are fishing for other bottom dwelling species.

Ling is a great fish to buy at local markets because the fish can be guaranteed fresh. The meat of this fish deteriorates quickly, so it is imperative that the fish is immediately iced and promptly consumed after the catch. Typical of fish in the cod family, ling has white meat with a mild flavor. Most agree that in order to create the tastiest meal with ling, strong sauce or seasoning is needed to add complexity to the simple taste of the fish.

-goes bad real fast, eat soon and iced, deteriorates -often sauced or seasoned…mild flavor -delicious, caught as by-catch in lobster traps, fillets at other markets but small at belford so fried whole, trawl, can be found in scallops when small, they eat off of it and grow there -cod family-light flavor, low fat -recently less have been caught commercially

Picture: Description: Catch method: Season: Preparation: Recipes:

Latin name Taxonomy, classification Size Weight Season Catch Method Catch Restrictions

  1. New Jersey
  2. New York
  3. Federal


Landings (tonnage) -Belford -Raritan Bay

Food Description

Copyright © Navesink Maritime Heritage Association

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach

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