Educational programs

Look here for online materials interesting to school age children.

For starters we offer this game motivated by our River Rangers program.

Exploring the Navesink

This is our first attempt at an online game. It is under development, so don't expect too much too soon. The idea is this: Can we give an “adventure” style of game that introduces kids to the Navesink River. Its target audience is those who are signed up for River Rangers. By playing the game they simulate travelling around the Navesink in a canoe. So when they actually do the River Rangers program, they will recognize sites as they approach them.

The second idea is we can use the game to reinforce certain water safety issues. Wear life jackets. Proper shoes are required. Stay together in the group. That sort of thing.

This is (was) the link that will let you run the program if it is available at this stage of development:



  • To get started: fill in a “nickname” and click “connect”. All the controls should come up.
  • Most controls in the right bar do nothing. The navigation controls beside the picture is where you play.
  • Look closely at the map and you will see an icon showing your location. As you navigate around the icon moves.
  • When done hit the “disconnect” control in the right bar.
  • The game is still under development. Some sites do not have photos yet, for example. And there is no way to “win” the game yet. Basically it is just a tour of the river. But still fun.
  • COMPUTER DIFFICULTIES: Sometimes the server complains “server error” or words to that effect. I don't know what causes this. Just hit the back arrow of your browser, and try again. Often the problem goes away.

Copyright © Navesink Maritime Heritage Association

Navesink Maritime Heritage Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging Eastern Monmouth County with maritime and water related historical, skill building, environmental, and recreational activities, and encouraging responsible use of the Navesink estuary through its Discover, Engage, and Sustain approach

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